Message Boards

Promote positive team building with a company-wide social feed for discussions and information sharing.

Employee communication software

A Social Feed for Organizations

Engage by Cell’s Message Boards help you create a connected work environment by giving employees a place to gather online, ask questions, and form social connections. With today’s distributed workforce, this employee communication software enables a positive workplace culture and enhances employee morale and retention.

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Employee Communication Software Fostering Your Culture.

Employees receive an invitation to login and create a profile.
They initiate topic threads for discussion or reply to the topics of others.
Users can post in feeds for their training class, department, or entire company.


Manage multiple feeds.

Users can switch between tabs for their team members, other departments, or company at large.

Reference previous posts.

With this employee communication tool posts, chat conversations, and member profiles.

Flag inappropriate comments.

Content to be can be reviewed, removed, or blocked within the employee communication software.

Create suggested posts.

Admins can start topics which populate at the tops of users' feeds.

Don’t see what you’re looking for? We’ll build it for you!

Our engineering team will create a custom solution just for you. We can also integrate into any software through our open API.

Reach out today to learn more about custom engineering!

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